Wednesday 23 November 2016



Please i need a rainbow ~~

I'm more of a skull and crossbones kind'a gal over butterflies and rainbows. I don't do fluffy. Never have. As a girl, I poo-poo'ed those sparkly rainbow stickers stuck on my classmate's book covers. As it turns out, rainbows aren't for girly-girls, and they're definitely not for sissies.
In truth, the symbolic meaning of rainbows deals with some serious ju-ju in myth and culture. To wit, rainbows make appearances in tons of creation myths and they also stand for powerful stuff like: Creation, divinity, good luck, duality and liminal spaces. More research into rainbow meanings made me realize there's a lot more to them than just glittery symbols adorning juvenile tubes of strawberry flavored lip gloss.
At its most basic reduction, the rainbow is an amalgamation of light - a perfect harmonic combination which produces a symbol of supernatural beauty, promise and enlightenment.
One of the most intense references to the rainbow is found in Hindu and Buddhist Tantra. Apparently, those who have surpassed their earthly ties are in a position to achieve the highest meditative state, and experience the "rainbow body". This has also been described as a "body of light" when ultimate ascension has been reached. The rainbow body phenomenon is an ultimate oneness, and typically happens at the time of death. There's a lot more to it than this small paragraph. Ask your Yogi for more information about Dzogchen, and the ultimate realization.

Before I delve further into some of the sparkly potentials rainbows offer, allow me to give you a quick run-down of the symbolic highlights...

So, when i see a rainbow i feel like very calm and so happy because the variety colour of rainbow makes me very peaceful. And i hope i can be like a rainbow.

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